It can be hard to let go of the little things in life. But if you were to take a step back and look at the big picture, how many of these things are actually worth getting hung up on? There will always be little bumps in the road. It is important to learn how to let go of small things. Focus on the bigger picture, and learn to let go.

When we’re stressed out, it’s easy to obsess over the small things, and that’s a problem. We’ve got one life to live — why waste time on the trivial? It’s time to stop sweating the small stuff! This is an area I definitely struggle with and I use positive affirmations to help start the day in the right mindset.
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Positive Affirmations to Learn How to Let Go of Small Things
I focus on the big picture. I define my priorities. I shift my attention to developing my strengths and taking care of my family. I resist the urge to complain. I let small things go.
I am quick to forgive. I release grudges and resentments. I give others a second chance. I treat myself with compassion too. I let go of unrealistic expectations.
I live in the present moment. I recognize the futility in dwelling on past disappointments and missed opportunities. I keep my eyes on what I can do now.
I recognize that I can not control what others do. I can control how I react to different situations. I do not let small things upset my whole day.
I value my relationships more than being right. I think before I speak. I validate others’ feelings and respect their opinions.
I remember the many blessings in my life. Gratitude helps me to be mindful of the important things in life like family.
I take a break when I feel overwhelmed. I breathe deeply. I walk around the block or sit down with a cup of tea. Pausing gives me a chance to sort through my feelings and weigh my options.
Today, I protect my peace of mind. I say goodbye to unnecessary conflicts and tensions. Putting small things in perspective gives me more energy for achieving my goals and enjoying life. I let go of the past. I let small things go and focus on the bigger picture.
Self-Reflection Questions to Help You Learn How to Let Go of Small Things:
How does nitpicking affect my relationships?
What can I learn from a time when I made a mountain out of a molehill?
What can I do differently when I catch myself reliving past frustrations?
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