Whether you’re old or young, there’s one thing that brings unparalleled joy into our lives – friendship. Are you lacking meaningful friendships?
To have a close circle we can laugh with, cry with, and depend on is essential to our existence, and it’s one thing in life we all deserve to experience.

If you’re struggling to attract the tribe you deserve, we’re here to help.
Affirmations are a powerful way to speak your desires into existence and remain positive, and these affirmations for making friends (see also ‘Positive Affirmations For Friends‘) may help you attract the connections you’ve been dreaming of.
The Benefits Of Using Positive Affirmations
While positive affirmations won’t magic your friends into existence, they are essential tools to have in your arsenal if you’re battling with low self-esteem and a degrading inner critic.
Speaking your positive affirmations into existence can improve your sense of self-worth and help you see how valuable you are.
Using positive affirmations to make friends (see also ‘Best Friend Affirmations‘) can give you the confidence and the frame of mind needed to achieve your goal and serve as a reminder of why you started in the first place.

How To Use Affirmations To Make Friends
Put simply; positive affirmations can reshape our belief systems.
If you don’t hold a positive perception of yourself, positive affirmations can help turn things around and make you see your power.
If you want to attract meaningful friendships (see also ‘Friendship Affirmations‘) into your life, you need to know your worth and see your value as a person and friend.
When you’ve reached this level of security and positivity, you’ll be more open to attracting the friendships you deserve and desire.
If you’re ready to improve your self-worth and attract new friends into your life, take a look at our positive affirmations for making new friends.
- I am ready to meet new friends, and I am open to attracting the healthiest friendships for me
- I take pride in choosing my friends
- Positive and healthy people enter my life every day
- My friendship is loyal and full of healthy connections
- I deserve happiness and to have fulfilling friendships
- I have the confidence to talk to new people
- I am a naturally kind and caring person, which makes it easy for me to find new friends
- I feel at ease when I meet new people
- I am worthy of having long-term, reliable friendships
- I have the self-confidence and wisdom to choose my friends wisely
- I welcome new friends into my life every day
- I naturally attract positive, fun people into my life
- I find it easy to connect with people
- I have the ability to bring out the best in other people
- I am worthy of being a best friend
- People enjoy spending their time with me
- I am a loyal and caring friend, and people see that
- I can develop friendships with people with varied interests
- I am grateful and blessed to have great friends
- I enjoy making friends wherever I go
- I can get rid of toxic people in my life
- My friends bring great joy and happiness into my life
- It’s refreshing to be seen by people who appreciate my unique personality
- I have deep, profound connections with my friends
- I love my friend, and my friends love me
- I have a natural ability to hold a conversation
- I find it easy to maintain eye contact with new people
- I can help other people feel good about themselves
- I am grateful for all the wonderful people in my life
- I can be honest with my friends, and they are honest with me
- Each of my friends is worthy of my love and loyalty
- My friends want to spend time with me as much as I want to spend time with them
- My friends are beautiful people, and they will stay in my life forever
- I always make time for my friends
- I make my friends happy
- My friends know how much they mean to me
- I always feel positive and energized when I spend time with my friends
- My friends aren’t always perfect, but I love them anyway
- I cherish each friendship and put in the effort to make them last long-term
- I can be myself around my friends
Read more friendship affirmations here.
Tips For Using Positive Affirmations To Make Friends
To use these affirmations successfully, you’ll need to start with an understanding of what you’re looking for and have the confidence to attract what you desire.
Here are some top tips for using positive affirmations to make friends.
Know What You’re Looking For
Before you start using your chosen affirmations, list the qualities you’re looking for in a new friend, and visualize them each time you use your affirmations.
Remember to be realistic, though – no one’s perfect!
You’ll also need to consider whether the qualities you’re listing describe you.
If you’re seeking friends with completely different personalities to you, take some time to consider how this dynamic would work.
Could it be beneficial to you, and what can your qualities bring to the friendship?
Know Your Worth
We can’t stress this one enough – know your worth. Before using your affirmations, you need to feel confident in yourself.
Remind yourself that you are worthy and valuable and that you don’t deserve to have toxic people in your life.
If you’re feeling lonely, it’s easy to allow toxic people to stay in your life.
However, letting bad friendships go isn’t a bad thing, and it will help make space in your life for loyal, long-lasting friendships.
Don’t let your loneliness ruin your chances of attracting the friends you deserve.
When you meet the right people, you’ll know it – so, trust your gut, and have the confidence to follow your heart, always.
The Bottom Line
While it’s important to be independent and self-sufficient, life is always better with friends.
Meaningful friendships can fill our lives with joy, improve our self-confidence, and make us feel supported.
If you want more positive friendships in your life, these affirmations can help you attract the love and connections you deserve.