We are all our own worst critic. Our inner voice runs through a constant stream of both positive and negative self-talk about our abilities, our appearance, and our personality. Unfortunately, we’re more inclined to listen to the critical comments than the compliments, especially when it comes to building up our self-esteem. This often leads us to doubt ourselves during crucial moments in life. I’ve been there before — I know what it feels like not to believe in yourself. But you can’t let that stop you from achieving your goals. Learn how to build yourself up by using daily positive affirmations.

If you have no idea where to start, or feel like you’ve started but only hitting walls, these affirmations are for you. This is one of the easiest ways to build yourself up and make people take notice of your accomplishments. You’ll learn how to get over the common issues that hold people back, and scale yourself up with a simple plan that anyone can follow.
Learn How to Build Yourself Up with Positive Affirmations
Take action today to build yourself up with positive affirmations. Using positive self-talk can help you achieve your goals faster and improve your self confidence. Find a quite place to read and reflect on these positive affirmations below.
I make choices that prepare me for success. I build myself up. I believe in myself and my abilities.
I set compelling goals and strive to reach them. I clarify my values and priorities. I take concrete action. I am determined and committed.
I accept myself as I am. I own my feelings. I celebrate my strengths.
I surround myself with family and friends who give me encouragement and support. I ask for help when I need it.
I am creative and flexible. I learn and grow. I add to my knowledge and skills. I learn from others about their areas of expertise. I have amazing potential that I tap into every day.
I create effective, daily habits to help my build myself up.
I take care of my health. I exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. I slow down. I manage stress by spending time outdoors and taking breaks throughout the day.
I think positive. I let go of judgements and regrets. I count my blessings and look for the positive even in difficult situations. I expect the best for myself.
Today, I treat myself with compassion and respect. I invest in my mental and physical wellbeing. I have the confidence and courage to pursue my dreams. I build myself up.
Self-Reflection Questions to Learn How to Build Yourself Up:
Why is it okay to make myself a top priority?
What is one kind thing I can do for myself today?
How does helping others help me to become more successful?
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