While we all have dreams of what we want our life to be like, many of us never take that first step towards getting there. We get so caught up in the day-to-day grind of life that we never consider how to get closer to our dreams. The first step is always the hardest, but once you take it and get your feet wet, you’ll find that the next steps come much more easily. If you’re ready for a change, start with this positive affirmation – I am creating the life of my dreams.

My Journey on How I am Creating the Life of My Dreams
Creating the life of your dreams takes hard work and simply taking that first step. When I think back to when I took my first action step, it was when I was pregnant with our second child. Not only was I pregnant but I was diagnosed with lymphoma the same week I received a positive pregnancy test. It was probably one of the hardest weeks of my life.
I was working as a Physical Therapist at the time and juggling raising our one year old. Life was tough. I remember sitting at work one day and thinking “what the heck am I doing here right now.” That was it – that was my lightbulb moment. I left my job committed to get healthy, have our second child and change my lifestyle.
Fast forward a few years and I was cancer free and now the stay at home mother of four children under five. While I wouldn’t call it my dream life at the time, I did enjoy it but felt I was missing something. One day I decided to start my own online business and little by little I grew it to an amazing company (along with having two other children).
Now I am living the life of my dreams raising our family and running my businesses. I continue to dream bigger dreams and strive to achieve these new goals.
You can do it to – little by little. Dream big, set goals and take action. Repeat the process daily with a positive mindset and you will succeed.
Start today with this positive affirmation to create the life of your dreams.

Dream Big and Create Your Story Program
Positive Affirmation – I am creating the life of my dreams.
My hopes and dreams will happen now! I am ready to become the creator that I came here to be! I am creating the life of my dreams.
Taking the time to eliminate all fears and doubt from my life is paying off. The training, expereinces, and education I have taken to get to this point in my life is paying off.
My strength wells up inside of me. Courage fills my chest. I am evolving into who I have come here to be!
I feel that I can fly! The support of the energy of life itself lifts me up!
Breathing in new confidence, I breathe out anything that fails to serve me. Now is my time! I stand tall in what I am here to do at this time. I am so excited about the direction my life is taking.
A new surge of energy is supporting my dreams. I feel I have turned a corner in my life, and I am opening a door to a new reality.
I know I am worthy of this lifestyle. Letting go of any thoughts that limit me helps me to eliminate old beliefs from my past. All life is working in my favor! It is GO TIME!
Today, I am ready to take action and create the life of my dreams.
Self-Reflection Questions:
What do I need to eliminate in order to create the life of my dreams now?
Does anyone or anything no longer fit in my life that I need to let go of? What action steps can I take today to help me to reach my goal?
More Free Positive Affirmations to Help You Create the Life Of Your Dreams
View FREE Affirmations here to get started today on building a better you and unlocking your true potential.
Check out these Dream Job Affirmations.