When you’re juggling work, family, and other responsibilities, it can be hard to find time for yourself. But taking a few minutes each Saturday to affirm your worth can help boost your spirits and keep you going all week long. Daily affirmations all week long can be very beneficial to reduce negative thoughts and have more positive thinking. Get started this weekend with your new outlook with these Saturday affirmations.
Saturdays are a great time to relax and recharge for the week ahead. While you’re catching up on errands and chores, why not take a few minutes to affirm your day in your own way? First, take a deep breath and center yourself to get ready for these powerful affirmations.
Next, think about what you want to accomplish for the rest of the day. Are there any specific goals you have in mind? Write these down if it helps.
Finally, repeat some positive statements to yourself. Remind yourself that you are capable and deserving of success. You can do this! Just believe in yourself and keep moving forward. Have a great Saturday! Check out these Sunday Affirmations for tomorrow.

How to Create a Routine for Yourself
Saturday Affirmations to Start Your Weekend Off Great
Yeah! It is Saturday morning. After rough working days all week, approach the day with an open heart and mind. Remember it is a new day. Good things are coming your way. Try these Saturday affirmations and simple statements to start your weekend off on a positive note and make positive change:
I am grateful for this day.
I am surrounded by love and positivity.
I focus on the present moment to enjoy this Saturday.
I release all negativity from my mind and body.
I am worthy of happiness and success.
I am strong, capable, and deserving.
I am open to new opportunities today.
I have a beautiful life to experience this Saturday and every day.
Today is going to be a great day! I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
I am surrounded by people who support and love me.
I am grateful for all the good in my life.
I am going to have a fantastic Saturday!
Saturday Affirmations to Relax and Unwind
Are you stressed out from your job? Perhaps the running around all week taking care of the family has you wiped out. Try a new self-care routine on a Saturday to de-stress and relax. These stress busters can help you throughout the entire day by repeating them over and over again. Mantras are a powerful tool! You can write them down on sticky notes and hang them in front of a mirror or on your fridge to remind you all day long. This will help to get rid of old habits of negative thinking when you make it a part of your daily routine.
Start the day off with these affirmations to relax and unwind:
I take time for myself today to relax and rejuvenate.
I release all the stress and tension from my body.
I am surrounded by an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.
I let go of all worries and concerns.
I am safe, relaxed, and at ease.
All is well in my world.
Weekend Affirmations to Rest
Maybe you have reached Saturday but you are just plain too exhausted to do anything. That is okay – it doesn’t always have to be a part of your Saturday’s struggles. But today allow yourself to rest. Maybe lay in bed for an extra hour and let yourself rest so you can reach your full potential. Provide your mind with positive thoughts to have a good Saturday:
I am taking the time I need to rest and recover.
I allow my body to heal, rest, and rejuvenate.
I am surrounded by an energy of peace and calm.
My mind is quiet and at ease.
I am safe and well-rested.
I give myself permission to take a break.

Self Love Makeover
Happy Saturday Affirmations
Perhaps your week has you feeling a little down, maybe troubles at work or conflicts at home. Turn your attitude around with new thoughts and Happy Saturday Affirmations:
I choose to be happy today.
I am grateful for all the good in my life.
I look at the bright side of things this weekend.
I am feeling happy and hopeful about upcoming challenges in the next week ahead.
I release all negativity from my mind and body.
I surround myself with successful people and supportive people.
I am happy and looking forward to my Saturday nights.
I attract only positive and loving people into my life.
I am surrounded by an atmosphere of happiness and joy.
My cup overflows with blessings today.
I am worthy of love and happiness.
This Saturday is a good day to accomplish great things.
I am open to new opportunities and experiences today.
Today is going to be a great day!
Affirmations to Recharge Over the Weekend
After you have rested, your mind and body is ready to recharge and take on new challenges. Try some of these positive mindest mantras:
I am feeling rested, relaxed, and rejuvenated.
I am ready to tackle whatever comes my way.
I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals.
I am surrounded by an atmosphere of motivation and inspiration.
I attract only positive and helpful people into my life.
My mind is focused and clear.
I am ready to take on the world!
Helpful Saturday Quotes to Boost Your Motivation
Keep your positive mood going throughout your Saturday with these helpful Saturday quotes to boost your motivation and to be inspired:
“Happy Saturday! Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.” -Frank Lloyd Wright.
“Imagine living a life where every day is your Saturdays and Sundays. Make every day for your weekend. Make every day a play-day.” – James A. Murphy
“Oh my sweet Saturday, I have been waiting for you for six long days.” -Charmaine J. Forde.
“There was nothing like a Saturday – unless it was the Saturday leading up to the last week of school and into summer vacation.” – Nora Roberts
“Saturday is the mightiest day of the week. It’s unshakably, overwhelmingly superior.” -Wataru Watari.
“My work is like my vacation, so in a way, every day is like Saturday.” – Ludacris
Random Positive Thoughts about Saturday
Here are some random positive thoughts about Saturday.
Saturdays are the best day of the week because they’re a chance to relax and recharge before a new week begins.
On Saturdays, I focus on enjoying myself and spending time with loved ones.
Saturdays are a time to celebrate all the good in my life.
I surround myself with positive people and energy on Saturdays.
On Saturday, I take the time to be grateful for all the blessings in my life, big and small.
Saturday is a day to recharge my batteries so I can take on the world with a positive attitude in the upcoming week.
My mind is open to new and exciting adventures that come my way on a Saturday.
Saturdays are a day to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
On Saturdays, I let go of all worries and concerns and focus on being present in the moment.
All is well in my world on this Saturday.
I am surrounded by an aura of peace and calm on this Saturday.
Saturdays are a day to pamper myself and do things that make me feel good.
On this Saturday, I choose to be happy and enjoy every minute of it.
Wishing you a peaceful and blessed Saturday!
Benefits of Saturday Affirmations
Most people look forward to the weekend as a time to relax and recharge after a busy week. However, weekends can also be a time when we let our healthy habits slip. Thankfully, there is a simple way to start your weekend off on the right foot: Saturday affirmations. By taking a few minutes each Saturday to focus on positive affirmations, you can set the tone for a healthy, productive weekend.
Affirmations are powerful statements that help to reframe our thinking and change our mindset. When we repeat positive affirmations, we begin to believe them on a subconscious level. As a result, we start to see ourselves and our lives in a more positive light. This can have a profound impact on our overall health and well-being.
There are many different affirmation options to choose from above, so you can tailor your affirmation practice to your specific needs and goals. Maybe you’re looking to boost your motivation or set a positive tone for your day. Or maybe you’re hoping to let go of negative thinking or cultivate more self-love. Whatever your goal may be, there is an affirmation for you.
When you make a habit of repeating Saturday affirmations, you’ll start to notice a difference in your attitude and outlook on life. You may find yourself more optimistic and upbeat, and better able to handle whatever challenges come your way over the weekend and throughout the week ahead.
Did you enjoy these affirmations? Try these Monday Affirmations next!

Positive Daily Affirmations to Listen To – FREE MP3 File